Research & Development Tax Incentive

Find out if you're eligible now!

Who can claim?

  • You can claim if you are a body corporate that is incorporated under Australian Law
  • You are a foreign company that is a resident in Australia
  • You are a foreign company with a permanent establishment in Australia

What can you claim?

  • R&D is about generating new knowledge through experimental development
  • Including core & supporting R&D activities
  • Eligible expenditure includes salary/wages, contractor costs, trial expenditure, direct expenditure such as raw materials, and depreciation on plant and equipment 

What is the benefit?

  • A 43.5% refundable cash rebate with an annual turnover of less than $20 million
  • A 38.5% non-refundable tax offset with an annual turnover equal to or greater than $20 million

Enquire Here


Or call us now on 1300 462 238, our experts will navigate you through the eligibility and application process. 

Is there an application lodgement deadline?
Is there an application lodgement deadline?

Yes, the application must be lodged on or before 10 months after year end. Lodgement and registration is an annual requirement.


How is the R&D tax incentive claimed?
How is the R&D tax incentive claimed?

The R&D Tax incentive is claimed through the company income tax return or via amended assessment.


What is an eligible R&D entity?
What is an eligible R&D entity?

An eligible entity is normally a company incorporated in Australia. Trusts are not eligible R&D entities (unless it is a public trading trust).


Can a company “cash out” the R&D benefit?
Can a company “cash out” the R&D benefit?

Companies with turnover less than $20 million that are in tax losses can convert the 43.5% tax benefit to a cash rebate. Companies with a turnover of more than $20 million can claim the tax incentive as a tax credit (if in tax losses the tax credit is carried forward).